
The US Premiere

Written by Simon Longman
Directed by Michael Rogerson

Free Preview September 22nd
Runs September 23nd-October 7th
Performances Thursday-Sunday at 8:00pm.
Presented by Culture Lab LIC at their empty lot on 46-16 Vernon Blvd.

“What are we? Fucking shepherds? What year is this?”

On a farm in the middle of nowhere, sisters Becky and Anna try to hold their family together after the death of their mother. When they discover a stranger wandering aimlessly across the land, the three establish an unlikely partnership in their determination to survive. All the while, time relentlessly moves forward.

In its US premiere, Silencio presents an outdoor site-specific production of Simon Longman's bruising exploration of despair and resilience.



“Here, in director Michael Rogerson’s hands, Gundog…becomes a more universal tale of isolation, purposelessness and the alluring trap of dying family traditions…Silencio’s atmospheric production is textbook ‘Doing a lot with a little.’ Abandoned lots in New York can often feel creepy (especially in otherwise developed areas), and with some added mud and dirt designer Miles Blim turns this barren space into something dystopian. Lighting designer Zack Lobel does wonders with a few floodlights—an unsettling repeating cue that suggests years slipping away is especially impressive. The farm’s animals, including an increasingly decrepit dog, are built by Gaby FeBland out of cold, industrial objects—a ladder, a piece of pipe—emphasizing the characters’ disconnection from what little natural life still draws breath around them.” — Joey Sims, Transitions


Performances will be held in a large empty concrete lot owned by Culture Lab LIC, a non-profit art gallery and performance space in Long Island City. The address is 46-16 Vernon Blvd, Queens, NY 11101.


Accessibility Information

You enter the space directly from the sidewalk onto a gravel path — there are no steps or ramps. Audiences will use bathrooms in Culture Lab’s main building, which is accessible via stairs or a ramp.

If you have any further questions about accessibility reach out to us at We’d be happy to help.


There will be two types of seating available: Chair and Ground. They are priced the same.

Ground seats are what you might expect -- they're on the ground! They're BYOP (bring your own pillow). They're closest to the action and the most immersive way to experience the show.

Chair seats are further back -- they're normal chairs with back support and arm rests.

You can select which type of seat you would like when purchasing your ticket.


Playwright: Simon Longman

Director/Producer: Michael Rogerson

Producer: Camille Casmier

Ensemble: Emily Ashenden, Michael Bracken, Daniel Chenard, Sophie Neff, Noah Yaconelli

Stage Manager: Jenna Arkontaky

Space Designer: Miles Blim

Lighting Designer: Zack Lobel

Animal Design: Gaby FeBland

Sound Design: Telo Hoy

Costume Design: Mána Taylor

Graphics and Illustrations: Anna White

Videographers: Leo Gallagher & Eddie Sanchez